Yes, we went in the heat of summer. Can you believe it? Here are some highlights...

Waiting to go at the airport!

Caribbean Beach Resort

Killing time in the old folks home until our rooms were ready. I mean the gift shop. (hee hee, just kidding Mom and Dad!!)

First beers of the trip!

The gang at Magic Kingdom! We don't know who the boy in blue is that stuck himself into the picture, but we think he's with the boy in orange. Could be wrong. He could be with the guy behind Mom walking away.

We got ears... Say CHEERS!!!



The Cochrans, Minnie and I think that's Roy behind Riley.

Sibling dinner at Jiko. We'll have the filet!

We had breakfast with the Princesses at Cinderella's castle. Here she is welcoming us!


Snow White....

and Daddy's favorite, Jasmine! Katherine just liked her necklace.


Dinner our last night at the Crystal Palace. Yum!

Overall we had a great time and were glad to spend time with the entire family. 6 more years and we'll be back again with the Delaney clan!!!