I know, I know, it's been a while. Summer showed up out of nowhere and I haven't posted since March! Where does time go??? Here are some pictures from the past few months. Enjoy!

We attended cousin Amy's confirmation in April and Katherine did great with her first time in a church since her baptism. Here's she is running from the camera.

The fashionista.

The future LPGA pro.

We went to OCNJ for Memorial Day and, very uncharacteristic of a Delaney vacation, it was BEAUTIFUL weather! Even the ocean temps were not freezing. Katherine had a GREAT time playing with cousins Alex and Riley.

Jumping the waves with Pop-pop Cochran.

We went to the boardwalk a few nights and Katherine tried out a few rides. Here she is with Daddy riding "Flower."

This time it was the pink car. The time after was the yellow car. We can never repeat car colors.

The balloons started out hairy (a bit of crying) but Daddy kept cool (unlike Mommy) and sang "Wheels on the Bus" until calm was restored. She went on again the next night with a much calmer Mommy.
The future USA Softball Olympic Gold medalist.
Now you're all caught up!!