Katherine's first birthday was full of fun, friends, family and milestones!
Below are just a few!

LOTS of presents from Mommy and Daddy!

Oooh, what's in here?

PAPER!!! Far more interesting than actual presents.

Wait, I take that back. This music box is cool!
Thanks Ms. Rhonda! (from Daddy's work)

A girl needs her phone!

The Crayola color balls are super fun! I can push the buttons to make
the balls roll down the ramps!

My shopping cart makes cool sounds and has lots of stuff
in it that I can throw on the floor!!

My birthday cupcake. Icing is a lovely taste.

See??? I LOVED my cupcake!

At my party I got an even BIGGER cake!!

I'm much more experienced eating it now, though.
Everyone kept waiting for me to make a mess, but I'm a big girl!

Time to open presents!!! Mommy, Amy, Riley, Aunt Stacey and
my new friend Sophia helped me!

My pink leopard is super soft!

Cousin Colin was tons of fun!

Swimming in a sea of presents! How do I get out???
And the big moment.......
A couple of butt plops, downward-facing dogs and leg squats later,
TA-DA!!! I'm a big girl now!!!!
I am dying laughing over here. She is so stinkin cute. I love the excited breathing and her resilence to keep getting back up! She is a little fireball! Love it.
Dad and I are thoroughly enjoying watching Katherine master the art of walking -- LOL. She's such a cutie! With such loving and devoted parents and her spunk and determination, Katherine will be chasing Sam and Roxy around the house before you know it -- LOL.
Love always,
Mom and Dad "D"
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